viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013


Hello classmates!

Well, I really hope that summer start soon.

So, today I’m going to talk about my plans for this summer.

I want to do a lot of things, like read, listen music (a lot of new albums are going to coming out soon!), rest, ride a bike, see a lot of movies,  going to concerts, travel… well, things you do on summer.  

I want to do all this things, because I want to use the whole free time I’ll have on funny activities.

Also, I hope to go to the beach, probably, with Jenny and some other friends.

This is like a sinopsis of what i want to do (haha). J

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A game I played as a child

Hello, classmates!

Well, today I’m going to tell you about a game that I played when I was a child.

This game it’s called “Alto” and you can play it when there’s an enthusiastic group of people with a ball.

You can play it on a street (being careful with cars) or on a field, wherever.

At first, people get together on a circle and start to found different nicknames that everyone going to use the whole game. It can be Countries names or fruits, and if no one wants to think, it uses each one name. After that, the game starts with someone throwing the ball to the sky, and at the same time, he or she screams someone’s nickname.  When this happen, and the ball is on the sky, everybody runs in any direction, just to stay far away from the ball, but the person that it was called by his nickname  has to run on the opposite direction, just to get the ball on his hands. If this one, make it, catch the ball, screams “altooo!!” and then, everybody just had to keep the same position they had, when the scream was made. So everybody it’s like “frozen”.  The only person that can move it’s the guy that caught the ball and screamed “alto”, so he or she, with the ball on his hands, takes 3 steps and throws the ball, trying, with that, to touch somebody, and if the ball touch somebody, this one it pass to be “burn”, and stay out of the game.

So, the group make this again and again.

I learned this game, when I was 7 or 8 years old and I played with all the kids of my neighbourhood.

I enjoyed, because in those days, it felt so extreme, because you had to run faster as your legs let you make it.

Since then, I haven’t played this game anymore.