lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

The technological side

My favourite piece of techonology is my notebook; i got it in December 2011 and it was a present from my dad, a Christmas present. He said that it will help me with university assignments but also with everything that happens on internet in our days. I use it for a lot of things, specially to browse on internet, like social networks (facebook, twitter, etc.), websites where you can see and share images (, music websites that tells everything about new records and musicians, virtual encyclopedias like, where you can learn a lot of things about every theme and the better thing is that you can read it in almost every language!. Also, with my notebook I can record sounds, listen music and play games with a great quality. I like my notebook because it helps me with my daily tasks (of course, there’s things that computers can’t do), not with all but the most of them.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Things I like

Well, I'm Beatriz, I study geography at university of Chile and I'm from Santiago. This is my first english class blog, but i had many blogs before about a lot of themes. I like to read books like "one hundred years of solitude" of Gabriel García Márquez, "The outsider" of Albert Camus, "Dance, Dance, Dance" of Haruki Murakami, etc. Also i like to see movies and listen music, which i think is one of the most important things, because is like you give a soundtrack to everything you do in life. About what kind of music i listen, is something that i will post in a couple of days.