sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Things I like

Well, I'm Beatriz, I study geography at university of Chile and I'm from Santiago. This is my first english class blog, but i had many blogs before about a lot of themes. I like to read books like "one hundred years of solitude" of Gabriel García Márquez, "The outsider" of Albert Camus, "Dance, Dance, Dance" of Haruki Murakami, etc. Also i like to see movies and listen music, which i think is one of the most important things, because is like you give a soundtrack to everything you do in life. About what kind of music i listen, is something that i will post in a couple of days.

1 comentario:

  1. “one hundred years of solitude" of Gabriel García Márquez, Interesting book, I read this in the school! And I like others books from this author.
