viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Bass Guitar

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about something that I would like to learn to do.

Well, in my life, I expect and hope to learn a lot of things in many different fields, but now I will talk about one of all of them. And this is learning to play bass guitar.

I would like to learn it, because it’s an instrument that it’s present in almost every music genre, it complement perfectly with guitar and, with drums, it establish the beat of every song.                  
And well, because there are a lot of great bass players with groovy bass lines in classic Motown songs, for example.

I think that it wouldn’t be so difficult to learn it, because I know to play guitar (in a basic way), so maybe that fact helps. But sometimes I have a little coordination problems, so I may work on it. Also another thing that could be hard, it’s the hands or finger resistance, because strings are thicker than guitar strings. And, maybe, it could be difficult too, to learn music theory, in a better way, that it’s something I don’t know yet.

Probably, it would take a several months to handle it, in a basic way. But it depends of how often I practice.

To start with this, I would need a Bass Guitar, an amplifier and just in case, a pick.

1 comentario:

  1. I bought a bass last year but immediately lent it to a friend who I was jamming with at the time. Your post has reminded me that I need to get it back so that I can do some recording:)
