viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas Patrias


Today I’m going to talk about Fiestas Patrias, it’s something that I don’t like very much, but I celebrate it anyway.
Well, I usually celebrate Fiestas Patrias with my family, but sometimes I went out with my friends.

One of these times, I was in San Bernardo, and it was 2010, so it was a special year because it was 200th celebration. I was in my last school year so with my school friends group (which Jenny was into), we decided to use all holiday week to celebrate.  
On the first day, we camped in a plot, we bought a lot of thing and we made a bonfire. We had a great time, chatting and laughing a lot.

The second day we decided go to a fonda, but the best fondas were in Buin, so we took a train and get there. It was very funny too, especially for a little theme park that was inside.
The next days, I made a lot of things and I visited a lot of people.

I really enjoyed that Fiestas Patrias, because I had a good time with my friends, we collected a lot of new anecdotes and also, knew how another families celebrate it.

5 comentarios:

  1. You don´t like the Fiestas Patrias very much! D:

  2. I hope enjoy this celebrations with your family and friend..
    I admit, I live near to San Bernardo, but I've never go to this celebrations.. I imagine that is so funny

    You take care !

  3. Beatriiiiiiiz don´t travel!!!! We Should drink and smoke very much this week!!!
    Enjoy with family!
    See you :)

  4. Hi Beatriz, I think it's better stay with people that you will happy and have a good time.. I hope you had a very good holiday :D bye!

  5. Hi Bea !
    The most important of Fiestas Patrias is when you shared with your family and friends, and I think you did :D
