viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F

Hello classmates!

Today I’m going to talk about something that is very normal in Chile, earthquakes.

It’s been a lot of big earthquakes in our land, and it’s said that if you live here, you will feel, minimum two of them in your life.

Well, I felt one of those two, and it happened on February 27th of 2010.

On that night I was in San Bernardo (South of Santiago), and I was on a car on Barros Arana Street. I was with my family in our way back home, after my mother’s birthday celebration.

The celebration took place at my aunt’s flat that is on the 10th floor of the building. We got there early and chat and ate cake, but then it became so late and decided to go home.

When we were on the car, everything was ok, but suddenly I saw that all traffic lights and post were moving like if the ground was made of water. Then, my uncle that was driving, decided to stop on a side of the street and wait, but meanwhile he opened one car door, in case that it get locked (haha), well, obviously he made that, because he was so nervous.

When the earthquake was happen, well from the car, I saw a punk group getting scared and running in circles, a couple of houses going straight down to the street like it were made of sand and the sky changing of colours like on a thunderstorm.

Well, when it stopped, my uncle went to my home and leaves us there, but on the way to home; all the streets were full of stones and rubble, so for him it were complicated to drive. After that, we stayed home and my uncle went to see my aunt that stayed on her flat on the 10th floor.

This earthquake, fortunately, doesn’t take problems with family houses, but it took psychological problems like scare to another quake, like all post shock events.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Hello Classmates!

Today I’m going to talk about a wonderful topic: pets.

I think that’s it’s the perfect moment to introduce you to a beautiful one: This is Gafitas, the cat.

Well, She is a female cat, it’s close to have one year old and in a physical way, she have a lot of hair (like all cats) that is a mix of different brown’s tonality, her tail is long and bushy and close to her eyes, she have a kind of white hair lines that makes the aspect to wear glasses; that’s why she have that name.

She is my sister’s cat and it was a friend’s present.

She is a very loving cat, bur her love, sometimes can be some much, that’s makes you upset, because, for example, if you are reading a book, she stands up on it. Anyway, those situations always make me laugh.

She likes to sleep, follow some threads, little balls and anything that make sound, also she likes that you stroke her neck.

Well, every day we have to feed her, give her love, worrying about her sand box and sometimes open the house door, this is because she likes to go out, but she don’t go so far away. She’s afraid of dogs, but never had seen one close, she just likes to run and run.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


Well, today I’m going to talk about a special meal that I remember.

Two years ago, it was the last year days and in Santiago, you could feel the celebrating atmosphere for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, that were very close.

At the same time, between all of these things, student of all country made an important test to get in universities (PSU). I did that test and I’ve had a very good mark. So, with my sister and niece decided to go out to have a celebrating meal.

We went to a Mexican restaurant, which was placed at Barrio Brasil.

We ate burritos and we filling them with a lot of things, like guacamole (avocado, tomato and chili), meat and bean sauces, etc… We seat in the backyard, where the tables were and we ate feeling the evening weather and seeing the sun going down.

I remember this occasion very well, because it were a very important moment for me and my family was there making me company. Also, I remembered because we had a great time, we chat and laugh, and well, there weren’t so many people in the restaurant, so we could stay there calmly.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

A beach that I visited: La Herradura

Hello everybody!

Well, today I’m going to talk about a beach that I visited and I remembered very well.

This beach it’s called La Herradura and it’s placed at Coquimbo City in the north of Chile.

I went there for the first time, like seven years ago and it was part of a wonderful holiday days. I spent these days with part of my family and some distant relatives. We had a really good time and visited a lot of places, so we went to the beach just a couple of days.

When we got there all of these days, the adults were directly to lie down on the sand, but how I was younger than them, I went to swim on the sea, and it’s curious, because in another beaches you can’t swim in an appropriate way, but there you can do it! That is because on that beach there are no waves, it’s almost like a lake.

The fact that remember so much this beach, it’s because I enjoyed it for complete, for me it was perfect;  the water was a little bit warm, there wasn’t too much wind and from  the nearest kiosk from the place that we were sit, a guy put on good music all the afternoon.