viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Hello Classmates!

Today I’m going to talk about a wonderful topic: pets.

I think that’s it’s the perfect moment to introduce you to a beautiful one: This is Gafitas, the cat.

Well, She is a female cat, it’s close to have one year old and in a physical way, she have a lot of hair (like all cats) that is a mix of different brown’s tonality, her tail is long and bushy and close to her eyes, she have a kind of white hair lines that makes the aspect to wear glasses; that’s why she have that name.

She is my sister’s cat and it was a friend’s present.

She is a very loving cat, bur her love, sometimes can be some much, that’s makes you upset, because, for example, if you are reading a book, she stands up on it. Anyway, those situations always make me laugh.

She likes to sleep, follow some threads, little balls and anything that make sound, also she likes that you stroke her neck.

Well, every day we have to feed her, give her love, worrying about her sand box and sometimes open the house door, this is because she likes to go out, but she don’t go so far away. She’s afraid of dogs, but never had seen one close, she just likes to run and run.

5 comentarios:

  1. Gafitas is so beautiful, I prefer the dogs, but also I like cats, however.. I hope you have a nice weekend!

  2. I never see a cat afraid of dog, my pets attacked by cats D:!

  3. hahahaha I loved her name!
    I love the cats because they are so cute and dangerous :3
    See you!

  4. Jajaja Beatriz always talks about "gafitas", I don´t know, but I think to Beatriz loves this cat xd
    See you :)

  5. I like so much the cats but with two dogs in my house is imposible that I can have a cat! See you(:
