lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

English Blog Experience

Hello Classmates!
Well, today it’s my last post, so it’s time to analyse what’s happen thought this English course.

I enjoy writing this blog, because the posts that we made were about a lot of different themes, the most were very funny, so it makes easiest the job  to explain things that you like and know very well,  in another language.  

My favourite post were “A concert or exhibition”, because while I were writing, I remembered the exactly moment, many sensations and details that in the concert itself you don’t pay attention to. Also, I like because I could read about my classmates experiences in live shows.

On the contrary, my least favourite post were “technology”, because I find a little bit bored to write about this things and above all, because I don’t have so many technological stuff, so isn’t  a main theme for me.

I enjoyed reading Gonzalo’s blog, because it has a lot of posts about bands and musical information, also I enjoyed reading Camila’s Blog, because were of the most attractive one with the design that she choose and the different posts images.

I think that, the blog method was a good language learning tool, because, as I said before, it made easiest to learn English, writing about things that we know and avoiding using technic words, which complicates everything.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi dear Beatriz
    Is the end and my coment is Never followed me lol!

    but I do, read my last post :)
