viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A Job I Would Like to Have

Hello Classmates!

Well, in my whole life I’ve had just a couple of jobs; some of them had been fun, and others were complete bored.

One of these jobs was attending on Oriente theatre for a several concerts or plays; what I did there was telling people where they had to sit. The good thing about that job was that I attended a lot of shows without paying anything.  So, that is all my work accomplishments.

Well, there’s always a job that everyone dream to, and mine its work like a musician or songwriter.

I would like to have this job, because after listen a lot of albums think that it should be the best work in the world. Nah, there’s not my argument, but I would like to have it, because music it’s something that it’s very special for me, and I’ve tried to learn to play some music instruments, well, I can sing and I recorded a couple of songs on a semi-professional studio, so I think that I’m not doing it so bad.

Well, also I like to have it, because you can use you time as you like, just to try to play all the sounds that are in your head.

To make this job well, the qualities that you need, it’s have skills, when you feel that you can make this without problems. Also, you should be persistent, to getting better day by day.

The inspiration, that I have to choose this job, well, is a lot of musicians and songwriters that make every song sounds like if it was yours.

There are such good musicians around the world!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A walk

Hello Classmates!

Well, today I’m going to talk about something that I like to do and, this is walk.

Actually, I’m not a fan of make exercise so often, but when I feel that I have enough energy, I do it.

Obviously, when you are a kid, lack of energy is not a problem, so that’s how my story begins.

When I was 10 years old, I made a walk with some older cousins, and how I haven’t made so many walks in my life, I will never forget it. Well, I would like to make that walk again.

This walk, it’s placed around a waterfall called “El salto de la princesa”. This waterfall it’s famous in Curacautín, where it’s placed, and it’s known for a lot of people in Araucanía.

Well, how I said before I made this walk when I was 10 years old, on summer of 2003.

With my mom and dad, we were visiting to an aunt, so her grandsons were there, and we made a lot of activities, the whole week we stay there. So one day we went to swim on a pool, play video games, play football, etc…

So, one of those days, we went to make this walk. At first we get there by car, my cousins’ grandpa’ was driving, when we get to “salto de la princesa” we said good bye and start to climb around it. Maybe it could see like a dangerous activity, but this “hill” wasn’t so high, it was flat in a lot of places. After walking and walking looking the different kind of trees and leaves, we got to the summit and, together, we saw the waterfall from above (almost) and falling down with all strength possible.
I enjoyed a lot, because I felt that it were the first time that I was connected to nature, and that why I would like to make this walk again.


Free Post

Hello Classmates!
Well, today I had expected to talk to you about a cartoon series, called “Daria”, but I haven’t had time to search for dates and numbers of episodes. So today I’m going to write about very special band that I have been listening to, since a couple of years.
Their name is Warpaint and, it’s a four piece band.
All its members are girls (really, they’re women right now) and, they make such great music, so, let's leave all prejudice behind.
With Californian roots, they started this indie rock band on 2004. Its second line up consisted by Theresa Wayman (guitar), Emily Kokal (guitar), Jenny Lee Lindberg (bass guitar); all of them childhood friends; and Josh Klinghoffer (drums), who now it’s the main guitar of Red Hot Chili Peppers. So, in his place, now it’s Stella Mozgawa.
They are part of Rought Trade Record, an independent record label, that it’s know by signed (obviously, a lot of years ago) The Smiths.
It’s first EP, called “Exquisite Corpse”, was produced by John Frusciante, and it contains songs like “Elephant” and “Bees”. But, wasn’t to 2010, that the first album “The fool” was released.
What I like from Warpaint, it’s that if you see carefully, there’s no lead singer, so in every song you can find any of members singing the main lyrics. Also, I like its entire sound, which have a strong bass and drums predominance, but the guitar doesn’t seem to be detract, it helps to create a whole interesting and mystique atmosphere.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hello Classmates!

Well, today I’m going to talk about something that sometimes I avoid to think of: The Future.

Thinking that the entire things I’m going to write will be, minimum 10 years later…

I would like to be living by my own, in a house placed at a nice neighbourhood, well, in Santiago, but who knows if it is in another country.

The fact of own a house, it’s important, because it gives you stability and confirm that you are an adult (in a way, without seeing if it’s good or bad).

Well, probably I’ll be working like a geographer in very different kind of interesting projects, but also, I would like to join to this kinds to music web pages, writing albums and concert critics, and who knows… being a musician.

I would like to share this future with my family (my mom, sister and niece), my friends and who knows… a partner. This is something that you can’t know appropriately, how many people you can know, and how important can become.

10 years later, I would like to see that I achieved things that I never expected from myself, but also, I would like to see that I beaten all kind of challenges.

Well, if I think about how the world will be, I’m not so optimist. Because, probably the global warming will be in a delicate state, and politically all countries will be in a enmity state. But I would like to think, I really hope, that all people, together, have made greatest things to take care and make a better place, the world where we live.