viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A walk

Hello Classmates!

Well, today I’m going to talk about something that I like to do and, this is walk.

Actually, I’m not a fan of make exercise so often, but when I feel that I have enough energy, I do it.

Obviously, when you are a kid, lack of energy is not a problem, so that’s how my story begins.

When I was 10 years old, I made a walk with some older cousins, and how I haven’t made so many walks in my life, I will never forget it. Well, I would like to make that walk again.

This walk, it’s placed around a waterfall called “El salto de la princesa”. This waterfall it’s famous in Curacautín, where it’s placed, and it’s known for a lot of people in Araucanía.

Well, how I said before I made this walk when I was 10 years old, on summer of 2003.

With my mom and dad, we were visiting to an aunt, so her grandsons were there, and we made a lot of activities, the whole week we stay there. So one day we went to swim on a pool, play video games, play football, etc…

So, one of those days, we went to make this walk. At first we get there by car, my cousins’ grandpa’ was driving, when we get to “salto de la princesa” we said good bye and start to climb around it. Maybe it could see like a dangerous activity, but this “hill” wasn’t so high, it was flat in a lot of places. After walking and walking looking the different kind of trees and leaves, we got to the summit and, together, we saw the waterfall from above (almost) and falling down with all strength possible.
I enjoyed a lot, because I felt that it were the first time that I was connected to nature, and that why I would like to make this walk again.


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