viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hello Classmates!

Well, today I’m going to talk about something that sometimes I avoid to think of: The Future.

Thinking that the entire things I’m going to write will be, minimum 10 years later…

I would like to be living by my own, in a house placed at a nice neighbourhood, well, in Santiago, but who knows if it is in another country.

The fact of own a house, it’s important, because it gives you stability and confirm that you are an adult (in a way, without seeing if it’s good or bad).

Well, probably I’ll be working like a geographer in very different kind of interesting projects, but also, I would like to join to this kinds to music web pages, writing albums and concert critics, and who knows… being a musician.

I would like to share this future with my family (my mom, sister and niece), my friends and who knows… a partner. This is something that you can’t know appropriately, how many people you can know, and how important can become.

10 years later, I would like to see that I achieved things that I never expected from myself, but also, I would like to see that I beaten all kind of challenges.

Well, if I think about how the world will be, I’m not so optimist. Because, probably the global warming will be in a delicate state, and politically all countries will be in a enmity state. But I would like to think, I really hope, that all people, together, have made greatest things to take care and make a better place, the world where we live.

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice end, I also think we can made greatest things working together, anyway..
    see you next class!

  2. Hello Beatriz!!!
    I always think, since I met you, that you will be the best geographer!
    See you :)
