lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


Hello, today I’m going to talk about a friend.
Well I have some other good friend too, but today i'm going to talk about one.
She is called Jenniffer (with two “n” and “f”), but her nickname is Jenny. 
I met Jenny, probably in 1998 when both were 5 years old, and that was because we start kindergarten together in the same school.   So we’ve been friends, almost, for 15 years, more than the half of our life years!.  We stay in primary and secondary at the same school,  so in that way. We’ve been collecting all kind of stories since then. One of those, just as Jenny say, because I don’t remember anything of that; were when, both with 5 years old, were at the classroom making our assignments, but when the teacher scolded one of us (without reason) and start to cry, the other one in a solidarity action started to cry too. 
Well, now we don’t go to classes together, we study different careers and live very far away, but we keep in contact and learn from the other of all things that can happen to us or listen or wherever.

I like Jenny and being her friend, because she has such a special personality, she’s always talking and moving and doing things, so she has a lot to stories to tell. Well, she is loyal, has a special sense of humor, we like similar things like some bands, books; we have a similar perspective from life and she has all the things that you can expect for a very very very good friend.

Together, we make a lot of things, like doing nothing, watch movies, eat, cooking (sometimes, very bad), go to places, go for a drink, talk with no stop, think about life, etc.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Architectonical Things

Hello, today I’m going to write about a building I like.
This building is The Municipal Theatre (Teatro Municipal), which is placed at Santiago since 1857.
I like this building because it had a neoclassic French architecture, so that reminds me to Versailles Palace (a little bit) with all its little and hidden doors, its sculptures, its balconies, and its paintings, principally for the roof one. For all this characteristics it was declared national patrimony in 1974.
It were designed by the French architect Claudio Francisco Brunet des Baines.
In an architectonical perspective, the building had a sort of changes because it suffered a fire accident in 1870 but it was rebuilt in 1873. For these causes and some earthquakes, the theatre had to be rebuilt again and again and the last time was in 2010.
This building is use for classic music performing like opera, ballet, concerts, piano concerts and many others; sometimes with international guests. Also, inside the theatre there´s a development of different groups that helps to perform every show like the ballet school of Santiago, the philharmonic orchestra, the Theatre Chorus and Chamber Orchestra.
With more than 150 years of history, it’s claimed to be the first national culture center.
I’ve been heard of this building for many years, but the first time I saw it from inside was a couple of months ago, when I came to see the Mozart’s Requiem.
I think that this building had been seen as a place that is not so accessible for all people, because the kind of the performances and the ticket prices. But above all that, I think that is an icon for the past times in Santiago history and, in an architectonical way, it helps see clearly the different international influences of how build.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

It's Photograph Time

Well, today I’m going to write about photographs. I like to see it and take it so much, because you can capture special moments, people and landscapes. Of course, if you find all of this things beautiful in their own way. The photograph that you can see below was taken by me. I took it one year ago at Til-Til town. It shows four of my friends at the side of a road on countryside. I like this photograph, because it was our first field visit for one of our first task as geography students. I like also because it shows my friends chating and laughing in a very relax way, in that point we started to know each other, better. In a more technical view, I also like this photograph, because the light and the environment were perfect. The night before to the visit, it rains so the photograph shows a splendid autumn day.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

It's Concert Time

Well, today I’m gonna post about something that I love and that is going to concerts. Once, I went to a wonderful one. It was in November of 2012 and it took place at Movistar Arena which it’s inside of O’higgins Park. I went with my sister, it was a last time decision, so she literally tells me “let’s go!” and I said “ok, let’s go!”. In that way, suddenly, we were waiting to the gates open for see Robert Plant, the voice of Led Zeppelin. When we came in, we had to wait like one hour to see the support band, Los Jaivas. They gave us a wonderful performance, especially because they were celebrating 30 years of the release of their album “Alturas de Machu Picchu”. Exactly at nine o’ Clock, Robert Plant started his show with great quality musicians and a performance that confirmed all his years of experience and the fact of himself as a hard rock icon. I enjoyed so much! Because with all that songs from his soloist career, he also included Led Zeppelin’s songs and obviously because it’s wonderful to see, such a legend on stage.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

It's Travel Time

Like Ten years ago, I went to Curacautín which is a nice small town near Victoria at the south of Chile. I went with my parents on summer holidays; we went there, because my mother’s older sister lives there with her husband. As I said before, it was summer holidays, so all their grandsons were there and all of them had the same age that I had in that time. As curious kids that we were, all that we did was play a lot of games and travel though near places with the adults. We visited town’s pool that it was huge and the water, well, we thought it was almost frozen, because it was river’s water. Also, we visited two beautiful waterfalls that are call “Salto de la Princesa” and “Salto del Indio”, this waterfalls are surrounded for forest so we explored all the place. I enjoyed because I had a really good time with my family and knowing beautiful landscapes.