sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Architectonical Things

Hello, today I’m going to write about a building I like.
This building is The Municipal Theatre (Teatro Municipal), which is placed at Santiago since 1857.
I like this building because it had a neoclassic French architecture, so that reminds me to Versailles Palace (a little bit) with all its little and hidden doors, its sculptures, its balconies, and its paintings, principally for the roof one. For all this characteristics it was declared national patrimony in 1974.
It were designed by the French architect Claudio Francisco Brunet des Baines.
In an architectonical perspective, the building had a sort of changes because it suffered a fire accident in 1870 but it was rebuilt in 1873. For these causes and some earthquakes, the theatre had to be rebuilt again and again and the last time was in 2010.
This building is use for classic music performing like opera, ballet, concerts, piano concerts and many others; sometimes with international guests. Also, inside the theatre there´s a development of different groups that helps to perform every show like the ballet school of Santiago, the philharmonic orchestra, the Theatre Chorus and Chamber Orchestra.
With more than 150 years of history, it’s claimed to be the first national culture center.
I’ve been heard of this building for many years, but the first time I saw it from inside was a couple of months ago, when I came to see the Mozart’s Requiem.
I think that this building had been seen as a place that is not so accessible for all people, because the kind of the performances and the ticket prices. But above all that, I think that is an icon for the past times in Santiago history and, in an architectonical way, it helps see clearly the different international influences of how build.

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