lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

A place that I like of Santiago

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about a place in Santiago that I like.
Well, there are a lot of places that I like in Santiago, but I feel that this is more familiar to me  than others. This place is Santiago Library, that is placed at Matucana 151 Street and is near of Quinta Normal Station.  All this area is known for have several museums, like Natural History Museum and “Museo de la memoria y los derechos humanos”.
This library is part of national system of public libraries and is known for been a place that gives cultural activities to everyone that lives on Santiago Centro and beyond.

Every time that I can, I go to read on comfortable futons or ask books to read them in my home.
I like this place, because is not like traditional libraries, that sometimes can be cold and intimidating. On the contrary, this place is more kind.
What I like too, is because there’s planned activities for everyone like workshops of different themes and in holiday time, there’s special activities for children, youth and older people like plays and special workshops. And the most important, that I like is that there's every kind of book, of everything you'd like to read and with a lot of copies.
The last time I went there was like 1 month ago.

sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

A Great Book

Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about something that I love (so much as music) and is reading. In this occasion I’ll tell you about one of my favorite books, that is called “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World” and was wrote by Haruki Murakami. 
I read this book just for coincidence, because one day I went to Santiago Library and I didn’t know what book ask, so this one were on a table and I just took it, well, then I read the author’s name and I remembered that I read one of his books before. 
This book is about two parallel stories, the first one it’s about a guy that works on computer programs, like a countable, and works for a complex organization, which goes to a strange place to work for a scientist that has a particular granddaughter and, well, with they he get in trouble.
The second story is about a guy that comes to live on a new town, a town which you can get in but there’s no way to out, there he met a lot of people and some beast that lives near, in that place he has his whole life planned and he can’t give up to it. For him, these entire things are good, but the price that he have to pay for being here is something that makes him doubt about his decision. 
I enjoyed this book, because at first everything was weird but through stories develop thing start to have sense. Well, I like it too, because the way that was wrote the language that was used, the character thoughts and especially for how everything ends.

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Bob Dylan

Hello classmates! 
Today I’m going to talk about someone I would like to meet. Well, there’s a lot of people that I would like to know, people that have been important in different things, but there’s someone that I think I would like to meet more than other, he is Bob Dylan.
I would like to meet him, because he’s been one of the most influential men in different fields, as musician, song-writer, writer and artist, and especially, because his complex lyrics had made a great influence in me and in the different ways that you can see life. Also, his music has inspired the most of musicians that I listen to.
I mean, Bob Dylan is just Bob Dylan and every one of us have listened one of his songs, at least one time. 
Well, if I meet him, I would like to share a meal and talk about how his life it’s been through, when he became electric, etc.
I would like to ask him a lot of thing, like how does it feel to an inspiration for so many people and if he feels comfortable with that, and in what he inspires to make a song, and how that answer can change when you get older. Also, I would like that he gives me some tips about song-writing.

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

A Holiday

Today I’m going to write about one of the greatest holidays that I had.
In 2007, I went to La Serena, which is placed in the north of Chile. I didn’t know this place before, so that was the first time. I enjoyed this holidays with my mom, my aunt and a couple of relatives. We stayed there for almost a week, which, when you are having fun, it passed very quickly.
We did a lot of things, and the most important thing was to use all the time that we had to know all the places that we can. At first, we tried to know all the city and all the important places, like “El Faro” to then had time to enjoy. We went to the beach “La Herradura” and we floated on the water for hours, to then swim and I tried to know how to dive. We went to “Valle del Elqui” to know who wine was made and visit a museum about Gabriela Mistral, because she was born there. On the sunset, we went to the most interesting place of all the holidays, we went to the “Mamalluca” observatory, there was a lot of people there, so together we saw the stars and the figures that they make, also we saw a comet and Saturn, obviously all thought a telescope.
I enjoyed so much, because I saw places and people that I never expect that I could know, I ate a lot of delicious meals and I had quality time with my family.

Abbey Road Studios!

Hello, everybody. Well, today I’m going to write about a place that I knew before (I haven´t been there), but in the last class activity I learned so much about it. This place is one of the places that a music lover would never like to miss: Abbey Road Studios.
Abbey Road Studios is a recording studio and it’s located at 3 Abbey Road, St John's Wood, City of Westminster, London. You can get there in several ways but one of them is taking the tube and get at St John's Wood station. Then you have to walk five to ten minutes to the studio.
You can’t get in at there, because it’s a place where musicians are working in their own records, so there is no cost for admission. But, what you can do there is taking a photograph on the famous zebra crossing (That it gets famous for The Beatles album cover ‘Abbey Road’), leave a message on the wall, where everybody writes or just look and get in shock for how many great records have been recorded there.
I would like to visit this place, because it’s a place where one of my favorite bands (The Beatles) made all of theirs records, greatest bands have recorded there and, because, it’s a place that I must go to visit if I can visit London Someday.