sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Bob Dylan

Hello classmates! 
Today I’m going to talk about someone I would like to meet. Well, there’s a lot of people that I would like to know, people that have been important in different things, but there’s someone that I think I would like to meet more than other, he is Bob Dylan.
I would like to meet him, because he’s been one of the most influential men in different fields, as musician, song-writer, writer and artist, and especially, because his complex lyrics had made a great influence in me and in the different ways that you can see life. Also, his music has inspired the most of musicians that I listen to.
I mean, Bob Dylan is just Bob Dylan and every one of us have listened one of his songs, at least one time. 
Well, if I meet him, I would like to share a meal and talk about how his life it’s been through, when he became electric, etc.
I would like to ask him a lot of thing, like how does it feel to an inspiration for so many people and if he feels comfortable with that, and in what he inspires to make a song, and how that answer can change when you get older. Also, I would like that he gives me some tips about song-writing.

3 comentarios:

  1. I don´t know many details about Bob Dylan.. But remember a long time ago I read a book of drama by Benjamin Galemiri where he talked about Sexappeal has Bob Dylan, that don´t die... This text is funny!
    See you :)

  2. Hello beatriz, the truth I do not know much about this singer, but thanks to your post, hearken his music jaja

  3. Hi! I like so much Bob Dylan :) but I can't so listening much about he, but my favorite song was a "Like a Rolling Stone" and "Ballad Of A Thin Man" :)
