lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

A place that I like of Santiago

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about a place in Santiago that I like.
Well, there are a lot of places that I like in Santiago, but I feel that this is more familiar to me  than others. This place is Santiago Library, that is placed at Matucana 151 Street and is near of Quinta Normal Station.  All this area is known for have several museums, like Natural History Museum and “Museo de la memoria y los derechos humanos”.
This library is part of national system of public libraries and is known for been a place that gives cultural activities to everyone that lives on Santiago Centro and beyond.

Every time that I can, I go to read on comfortable futons or ask books to read them in my home.
I like this place, because is not like traditional libraries, that sometimes can be cold and intimidating. On the contrary, this place is more kind.
What I like too, is because there’s planned activities for everyone like workshops of different themes and in holiday time, there’s special activities for children, youth and older people like plays and special workshops. And the most important, that I like is that there's every kind of book, of everything you'd like to read and with a lot of copies.
The last time I went there was like 1 month ago.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Bea,i dont know tjis place, but but apparently it's very enough for read :)

    bye :)
