viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013


Hello classmates!

Well, I really hope that summer start soon.

So, today I’m going to talk about my plans for this summer.

I want to do a lot of things, like read, listen music (a lot of new albums are going to coming out soon!), rest, ride a bike, see a lot of movies,  going to concerts, travel… well, things you do on summer.  

I want to do all this things, because I want to use the whole free time I’ll have on funny activities.

Also, I hope to go to the beach, probably, with Jenny and some other friends.

This is like a sinopsis of what i want to do (haha). J

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A game I played as a child

Hello, classmates!

Well, today I’m going to tell you about a game that I played when I was a child.

This game it’s called “Alto” and you can play it when there’s an enthusiastic group of people with a ball.

You can play it on a street (being careful with cars) or on a field, wherever.

At first, people get together on a circle and start to found different nicknames that everyone going to use the whole game. It can be Countries names or fruits, and if no one wants to think, it uses each one name. After that, the game starts with someone throwing the ball to the sky, and at the same time, he or she screams someone’s nickname.  When this happen, and the ball is on the sky, everybody runs in any direction, just to stay far away from the ball, but the person that it was called by his nickname  has to run on the opposite direction, just to get the ball on his hands. If this one, make it, catch the ball, screams “altooo!!” and then, everybody just had to keep the same position they had, when the scream was made. So everybody it’s like “frozen”.  The only person that can move it’s the guy that caught the ball and screamed “alto”, so he or she, with the ball on his hands, takes 3 steps and throws the ball, trying, with that, to touch somebody, and if the ball touch somebody, this one it pass to be “burn”, and stay out of the game.

So, the group make this again and again.

I learned this game, when I was 7 or 8 years old and I played with all the kids of my neighbourhood.

I enjoyed, because in those days, it felt so extreme, because you had to run faster as your legs let you make it.

Since then, I haven’t played this game anymore.

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A Job I Would Like to Have

Hello Classmates!

Well, in my whole life I’ve had just a couple of jobs; some of them had been fun, and others were complete bored.

One of these jobs was attending on Oriente theatre for a several concerts or plays; what I did there was telling people where they had to sit. The good thing about that job was that I attended a lot of shows without paying anything.  So, that is all my work accomplishments.

Well, there’s always a job that everyone dream to, and mine its work like a musician or songwriter.

I would like to have this job, because after listen a lot of albums think that it should be the best work in the world. Nah, there’s not my argument, but I would like to have it, because music it’s something that it’s very special for me, and I’ve tried to learn to play some music instruments, well, I can sing and I recorded a couple of songs on a semi-professional studio, so I think that I’m not doing it so bad.

Well, also I like to have it, because you can use you time as you like, just to try to play all the sounds that are in your head.

To make this job well, the qualities that you need, it’s have skills, when you feel that you can make this without problems. Also, you should be persistent, to getting better day by day.

The inspiration, that I have to choose this job, well, is a lot of musicians and songwriters that make every song sounds like if it was yours.

There are such good musicians around the world!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A walk

Hello Classmates!

Well, today I’m going to talk about something that I like to do and, this is walk.

Actually, I’m not a fan of make exercise so often, but when I feel that I have enough energy, I do it.

Obviously, when you are a kid, lack of energy is not a problem, so that’s how my story begins.

When I was 10 years old, I made a walk with some older cousins, and how I haven’t made so many walks in my life, I will never forget it. Well, I would like to make that walk again.

This walk, it’s placed around a waterfall called “El salto de la princesa”. This waterfall it’s famous in Curacautín, where it’s placed, and it’s known for a lot of people in Araucanía.

Well, how I said before I made this walk when I was 10 years old, on summer of 2003.

With my mom and dad, we were visiting to an aunt, so her grandsons were there, and we made a lot of activities, the whole week we stay there. So one day we went to swim on a pool, play video games, play football, etc…

So, one of those days, we went to make this walk. At first we get there by car, my cousins’ grandpa’ was driving, when we get to “salto de la princesa” we said good bye and start to climb around it. Maybe it could see like a dangerous activity, but this “hill” wasn’t so high, it was flat in a lot of places. After walking and walking looking the different kind of trees and leaves, we got to the summit and, together, we saw the waterfall from above (almost) and falling down with all strength possible.
I enjoyed a lot, because I felt that it were the first time that I was connected to nature, and that why I would like to make this walk again.


Free Post

Hello Classmates!
Well, today I had expected to talk to you about a cartoon series, called “Daria”, but I haven’t had time to search for dates and numbers of episodes. So today I’m going to write about very special band that I have been listening to, since a couple of years.
Their name is Warpaint and, it’s a four piece band.
All its members are girls (really, they’re women right now) and, they make such great music, so, let's leave all prejudice behind.
With Californian roots, they started this indie rock band on 2004. Its second line up consisted by Theresa Wayman (guitar), Emily Kokal (guitar), Jenny Lee Lindberg (bass guitar); all of them childhood friends; and Josh Klinghoffer (drums), who now it’s the main guitar of Red Hot Chili Peppers. So, in his place, now it’s Stella Mozgawa.
They are part of Rought Trade Record, an independent record label, that it’s know by signed (obviously, a lot of years ago) The Smiths.
It’s first EP, called “Exquisite Corpse”, was produced by John Frusciante, and it contains songs like “Elephant” and “Bees”. But, wasn’t to 2010, that the first album “The fool” was released.
What I like from Warpaint, it’s that if you see carefully, there’s no lead singer, so in every song you can find any of members singing the main lyrics. Also, I like its entire sound, which have a strong bass and drums predominance, but the guitar doesn’t seem to be detract, it helps to create a whole interesting and mystique atmosphere.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hello Classmates!

Well, today I’m going to talk about something that sometimes I avoid to think of: The Future.

Thinking that the entire things I’m going to write will be, minimum 10 years later…

I would like to be living by my own, in a house placed at a nice neighbourhood, well, in Santiago, but who knows if it is in another country.

The fact of own a house, it’s important, because it gives you stability and confirm that you are an adult (in a way, without seeing if it’s good or bad).

Well, probably I’ll be working like a geographer in very different kind of interesting projects, but also, I would like to join to this kinds to music web pages, writing albums and concert critics, and who knows… being a musician.

I would like to share this future with my family (my mom, sister and niece), my friends and who knows… a partner. This is something that you can’t know appropriately, how many people you can know, and how important can become.

10 years later, I would like to see that I achieved things that I never expected from myself, but also, I would like to see that I beaten all kind of challenges.

Well, if I think about how the world will be, I’m not so optimist. Because, probably the global warming will be in a delicate state, and politically all countries will be in a enmity state. But I would like to think, I really hope, that all people, together, have made greatest things to take care and make a better place, the world where we live.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F

Hello classmates!

Today I’m going to talk about something that is very normal in Chile, earthquakes.

It’s been a lot of big earthquakes in our land, and it’s said that if you live here, you will feel, minimum two of them in your life.

Well, I felt one of those two, and it happened on February 27th of 2010.

On that night I was in San Bernardo (South of Santiago), and I was on a car on Barros Arana Street. I was with my family in our way back home, after my mother’s birthday celebration.

The celebration took place at my aunt’s flat that is on the 10th floor of the building. We got there early and chat and ate cake, but then it became so late and decided to go home.

When we were on the car, everything was ok, but suddenly I saw that all traffic lights and post were moving like if the ground was made of water. Then, my uncle that was driving, decided to stop on a side of the street and wait, but meanwhile he opened one car door, in case that it get locked (haha), well, obviously he made that, because he was so nervous.

When the earthquake was happen, well from the car, I saw a punk group getting scared and running in circles, a couple of houses going straight down to the street like it were made of sand and the sky changing of colours like on a thunderstorm.

Well, when it stopped, my uncle went to my home and leaves us there, but on the way to home; all the streets were full of stones and rubble, so for him it were complicated to drive. After that, we stayed home and my uncle went to see my aunt that stayed on her flat on the 10th floor.

This earthquake, fortunately, doesn’t take problems with family houses, but it took psychological problems like scare to another quake, like all post shock events.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Hello Classmates!

Today I’m going to talk about a wonderful topic: pets.

I think that’s it’s the perfect moment to introduce you to a beautiful one: This is Gafitas, the cat.

Well, She is a female cat, it’s close to have one year old and in a physical way, she have a lot of hair (like all cats) that is a mix of different brown’s tonality, her tail is long and bushy and close to her eyes, she have a kind of white hair lines that makes the aspect to wear glasses; that’s why she have that name.

She is my sister’s cat and it was a friend’s present.

She is a very loving cat, bur her love, sometimes can be some much, that’s makes you upset, because, for example, if you are reading a book, she stands up on it. Anyway, those situations always make me laugh.

She likes to sleep, follow some threads, little balls and anything that make sound, also she likes that you stroke her neck.

Well, every day we have to feed her, give her love, worrying about her sand box and sometimes open the house door, this is because she likes to go out, but she don’t go so far away. She’s afraid of dogs, but never had seen one close, she just likes to run and run.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


Well, today I’m going to talk about a special meal that I remember.

Two years ago, it was the last year days and in Santiago, you could feel the celebrating atmosphere for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, that were very close.

At the same time, between all of these things, student of all country made an important test to get in universities (PSU). I did that test and I’ve had a very good mark. So, with my sister and niece decided to go out to have a celebrating meal.

We went to a Mexican restaurant, which was placed at Barrio Brasil.

We ate burritos and we filling them with a lot of things, like guacamole (avocado, tomato and chili), meat and bean sauces, etc… We seat in the backyard, where the tables were and we ate feeling the evening weather and seeing the sun going down.

I remember this occasion very well, because it were a very important moment for me and my family was there making me company. Also, I remembered because we had a great time, we chat and laugh, and well, there weren’t so many people in the restaurant, so we could stay there calmly.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

A beach that I visited: La Herradura

Hello everybody!

Well, today I’m going to talk about a beach that I visited and I remembered very well.

This beach it’s called La Herradura and it’s placed at Coquimbo City in the north of Chile.

I went there for the first time, like seven years ago and it was part of a wonderful holiday days. I spent these days with part of my family and some distant relatives. We had a really good time and visited a lot of places, so we went to the beach just a couple of days.

When we got there all of these days, the adults were directly to lie down on the sand, but how I was younger than them, I went to swim on the sea, and it’s curious, because in another beaches you can’t swim in an appropriate way, but there you can do it! That is because on that beach there are no waves, it’s almost like a lake.

The fact that remember so much this beach, it’s because I enjoyed it for complete, for me it was perfect;  the water was a little bit warm, there wasn’t too much wind and from  the nearest kiosk from the place that we were sit, a guy put on good music all the afternoon.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Bass Guitar

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about something that I would like to learn to do.

Well, in my life, I expect and hope to learn a lot of things in many different fields, but now I will talk about one of all of them. And this is learning to play bass guitar.

I would like to learn it, because it’s an instrument that it’s present in almost every music genre, it complement perfectly with guitar and, with drums, it establish the beat of every song.                  
And well, because there are a lot of great bass players with groovy bass lines in classic Motown songs, for example.

I think that it wouldn’t be so difficult to learn it, because I know to play guitar (in a basic way), so maybe that fact helps. But sometimes I have a little coordination problems, so I may work on it. Also another thing that could be hard, it’s the hands or finger resistance, because strings are thicker than guitar strings. And, maybe, it could be difficult too, to learn music theory, in a better way, that it’s something I don’t know yet.

Probably, it would take a several months to handle it, in a basic way. But it depends of how often I practice.

To start with this, I would need a Bass Guitar, an amplifier and just in case, a pick.

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas Patrias


Today I’m going to talk about Fiestas Patrias, it’s something that I don’t like very much, but I celebrate it anyway.
Well, I usually celebrate Fiestas Patrias with my family, but sometimes I went out with my friends.

One of these times, I was in San Bernardo, and it was 2010, so it was a special year because it was 200th celebration. I was in my last school year so with my school friends group (which Jenny was into), we decided to use all holiday week to celebrate.  
On the first day, we camped in a plot, we bought a lot of thing and we made a bonfire. We had a great time, chatting and laughing a lot.

The second day we decided go to a fonda, but the best fondas were in Buin, so we took a train and get there. It was very funny too, especially for a little theme park that was inside.
The next days, I made a lot of things and I visited a lot of people.

I really enjoyed that Fiestas Patrias, because I had a good time with my friends, we collected a lot of new anecdotes and also, knew how another families celebrate it.

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Free Post: Tame Impala

Hello Classmates!

Today I’m going to talk about a band, that I discovered a days ago and since then, I can’t stop listening their music.

Their name is Tame Impala and they are from Perth, Australia.

This, it’s a psychedelic rock project, but they describe it like “psychedelic hypno-groove melodic rock music, but basically it's all about the feeling”

Tame Impala; it’s a five piece band, led by Kevin Parker who writes the major part of the music. Parker at the studio makes the albums with two more people, but when they have to perform it live, they make it with five members.

They have made two albums, two Ep’s and one live album.  But all the success started in 2012 with their album, called “Lonerism”. Since then, they start a world tour, preforming at festivals like Coachella and in live TV shows.  

This is a very interesting fact, because we can’t mention so many Australian bands that have been in this situation, especially in alternative rock circle.

I think that something, that it’s very remarkable in this band, it’s the artwork and the graphic side, especially in their video clips, which complete the psychedelic atmosphere that they want to create.


lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

English Blog Experience

Hello Classmates!
Well, today it’s my last post, so it’s time to analyse what’s happen thought this English course.

I enjoy writing this blog, because the posts that we made were about a lot of different themes, the most were very funny, so it makes easiest the job  to explain things that you like and know very well,  in another language.  

My favourite post were “A concert or exhibition”, because while I were writing, I remembered the exactly moment, many sensations and details that in the concert itself you don’t pay attention to. Also, I like because I could read about my classmates experiences in live shows.

On the contrary, my least favourite post were “technology”, because I find a little bit bored to write about this things and above all, because I don’t have so many technological stuff, so isn’t  a main theme for me.

I enjoyed reading Gonzalo’s blog, because it has a lot of posts about bands and musical information, also I enjoyed reading Camila’s Blog, because were of the most attractive one with the design that she choose and the different posts images.

I think that, the blog method was a good language learning tool, because, as I said before, it made easiest to learn English, writing about things that we know and avoiding using technic words, which complicates everything.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

A Cartoon

Hello Classmates! Today I’m going to talk about a TV show that I enjoyed watching when I was a child.

When I was a child I watched lot of TV shows, some days I spent all day watching TV. In those days I loved almost every program that was on Nickelodeon channel. But there was one that I liked more than others.

This TV show was called “Hey Arnold!” and it was about a nine year old guy named Arnold who lives with his grandparents and his pig pet Abner. They manage a boarding house where live some persons with different stories like Mr. Kokoshka, Mr. Hyunh, Ernie and others.

Arnold’s life runs in between his life in the boarding house, going out to play with his best friend Gerald and the kids of the neighborhood, going out to Public School 118 and the different activities and urban legends of  the city that he lives.

There are a lot of things that are a mystery in this cartoon, like its unknown where Arnold’s parents are (they get lost in the jungle), His last name was never show and we will never know what happen with his complex relation with his classmate Helga Pataki.

The series was aired on Nickelodeon channel from 1996 to 2004, but today it’s still repeated by different channels.

I enjoyed this cartoon so much, because it was fun and I felt that some of those things happened to me, especially for the games with the kids of the neighborhood and the fear that we felt when we heard urban legends, just like in the TV show!.


domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

A Song

Hello classmates! Today I'm going to talk about a song that I like in this moment, well, I don't have just a favorite one, because I like a lot of songs.
This one it's called "Teardrop" and it's by Bristol band Massive Attack, featuring vocals of Elizabeth Fraser who is from a band called Cocteau Twins.
I like this song because the atmosphere that creates, which it's a calm one, something that is known in trip - hop bands. You can confirm this if you listen to Portishead, which it's another popular band in this genre.
My favorite thing in this song is Elizabeth Fraser’s voice, which gives a sweet side to it.
Well, everyone knows this song because was the main theme of the series House M.D, but the first time I heard it, consciously, was like a month ago.
This song was covered by The Red Hot Chili Peppers and a several bands through the years.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

A place that I like of Santiago

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about a place in Santiago that I like.
Well, there are a lot of places that I like in Santiago, but I feel that this is more familiar to me  than others. This place is Santiago Library, that is placed at Matucana 151 Street and is near of Quinta Normal Station.  All this area is known for have several museums, like Natural History Museum and “Museo de la memoria y los derechos humanos”.
This library is part of national system of public libraries and is known for been a place that gives cultural activities to everyone that lives on Santiago Centro and beyond.

Every time that I can, I go to read on comfortable futons or ask books to read them in my home.
I like this place, because is not like traditional libraries, that sometimes can be cold and intimidating. On the contrary, this place is more kind.
What I like too, is because there’s planned activities for everyone like workshops of different themes and in holiday time, there’s special activities for children, youth and older people like plays and special workshops. And the most important, that I like is that there's every kind of book, of everything you'd like to read and with a lot of copies.
The last time I went there was like 1 month ago.

sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

A Great Book

Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about something that I love (so much as music) and is reading. In this occasion I’ll tell you about one of my favorite books, that is called “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World” and was wrote by Haruki Murakami. 
I read this book just for coincidence, because one day I went to Santiago Library and I didn’t know what book ask, so this one were on a table and I just took it, well, then I read the author’s name and I remembered that I read one of his books before. 
This book is about two parallel stories, the first one it’s about a guy that works on computer programs, like a countable, and works for a complex organization, which goes to a strange place to work for a scientist that has a particular granddaughter and, well, with they he get in trouble.
The second story is about a guy that comes to live on a new town, a town which you can get in but there’s no way to out, there he met a lot of people and some beast that lives near, in that place he has his whole life planned and he can’t give up to it. For him, these entire things are good, but the price that he have to pay for being here is something that makes him doubt about his decision. 
I enjoyed this book, because at first everything was weird but through stories develop thing start to have sense. Well, I like it too, because the way that was wrote the language that was used, the character thoughts and especially for how everything ends.

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Bob Dylan

Hello classmates! 
Today I’m going to talk about someone I would like to meet. Well, there’s a lot of people that I would like to know, people that have been important in different things, but there’s someone that I think I would like to meet more than other, he is Bob Dylan.
I would like to meet him, because he’s been one of the most influential men in different fields, as musician, song-writer, writer and artist, and especially, because his complex lyrics had made a great influence in me and in the different ways that you can see life. Also, his music has inspired the most of musicians that I listen to.
I mean, Bob Dylan is just Bob Dylan and every one of us have listened one of his songs, at least one time. 
Well, if I meet him, I would like to share a meal and talk about how his life it’s been through, when he became electric, etc.
I would like to ask him a lot of thing, like how does it feel to an inspiration for so many people and if he feels comfortable with that, and in what he inspires to make a song, and how that answer can change when you get older. Also, I would like that he gives me some tips about song-writing.

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

A Holiday

Today I’m going to write about one of the greatest holidays that I had.
In 2007, I went to La Serena, which is placed in the north of Chile. I didn’t know this place before, so that was the first time. I enjoyed this holidays with my mom, my aunt and a couple of relatives. We stayed there for almost a week, which, when you are having fun, it passed very quickly.
We did a lot of things, and the most important thing was to use all the time that we had to know all the places that we can. At first, we tried to know all the city and all the important places, like “El Faro” to then had time to enjoy. We went to the beach “La Herradura” and we floated on the water for hours, to then swim and I tried to know how to dive. We went to “Valle del Elqui” to know who wine was made and visit a museum about Gabriela Mistral, because she was born there. On the sunset, we went to the most interesting place of all the holidays, we went to the “Mamalluca” observatory, there was a lot of people there, so together we saw the stars and the figures that they make, also we saw a comet and Saturn, obviously all thought a telescope.
I enjoyed so much, because I saw places and people that I never expect that I could know, I ate a lot of delicious meals and I had quality time with my family.

Abbey Road Studios!

Hello, everybody. Well, today I’m going to write about a place that I knew before (I haven´t been there), but in the last class activity I learned so much about it. This place is one of the places that a music lover would never like to miss: Abbey Road Studios.
Abbey Road Studios is a recording studio and it’s located at 3 Abbey Road, St John's Wood, City of Westminster, London. You can get there in several ways but one of them is taking the tube and get at St John's Wood station. Then you have to walk five to ten minutes to the studio.
You can’t get in at there, because it’s a place where musicians are working in their own records, so there is no cost for admission. But, what you can do there is taking a photograph on the famous zebra crossing (That it gets famous for The Beatles album cover ‘Abbey Road’), leave a message on the wall, where everybody writes or just look and get in shock for how many great records have been recorded there.
I would like to visit this place, because it’s a place where one of my favorite bands (The Beatles) made all of theirs records, greatest bands have recorded there and, because, it’s a place that I must go to visit if I can visit London Someday.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

It's Celebration Time

Hello, today I’m going to speak about a greatest party that I ever went to.
That special party was in February of 2012 and we were celebrating my 19th birthday.
I took place at one of my best friends house, which is a big house so there was more space for more guests and it’s placed at a calm neighborhood. To all that things we can add that most of his family it went out for that night and gave us permission to make the party, so in that way we weren’t have any problems with them.

It started round 11.30 in the evening and it ends until 8 in the morning.
Like not always happen, all the guests come to the party and others that I don’t expected too, but it were welcome anyway. Well, there was all of my friends (including Jenny) that all are different in their own way and I met them in different times, so was nice to see that everyone chating and laughing like they knew each other since always.

We bought beer and food and we chat a long while, we listened music, to then start to dancing and finally, we sang karaoke, with a lot of enthusiasm, until dawn.
That was one of the greatest parties that my friends make to me, I had a really good time and all of this happen on my birthday!!.




lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


Hello, today I’m going to talk about a friend.
Well I have some other good friend too, but today i'm going to talk about one.
She is called Jenniffer (with two “n” and “f”), but her nickname is Jenny. 
I met Jenny, probably in 1998 when both were 5 years old, and that was because we start kindergarten together in the same school.   So we’ve been friends, almost, for 15 years, more than the half of our life years!.  We stay in primary and secondary at the same school,  so in that way. We’ve been collecting all kind of stories since then. One of those, just as Jenny say, because I don’t remember anything of that; were when, both with 5 years old, were at the classroom making our assignments, but when the teacher scolded one of us (without reason) and start to cry, the other one in a solidarity action started to cry too. 
Well, now we don’t go to classes together, we study different careers and live very far away, but we keep in contact and learn from the other of all things that can happen to us or listen or wherever.

I like Jenny and being her friend, because she has such a special personality, she’s always talking and moving and doing things, so she has a lot to stories to tell. Well, she is loyal, has a special sense of humor, we like similar things like some bands, books; we have a similar perspective from life and she has all the things that you can expect for a very very very good friend.

Together, we make a lot of things, like doing nothing, watch movies, eat, cooking (sometimes, very bad), go to places, go for a drink, talk with no stop, think about life, etc.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Architectonical Things

Hello, today I’m going to write about a building I like.
This building is The Municipal Theatre (Teatro Municipal), which is placed at Santiago since 1857.
I like this building because it had a neoclassic French architecture, so that reminds me to Versailles Palace (a little bit) with all its little and hidden doors, its sculptures, its balconies, and its paintings, principally for the roof one. For all this characteristics it was declared national patrimony in 1974.
It were designed by the French architect Claudio Francisco Brunet des Baines.
In an architectonical perspective, the building had a sort of changes because it suffered a fire accident in 1870 but it was rebuilt in 1873. For these causes and some earthquakes, the theatre had to be rebuilt again and again and the last time was in 2010.
This building is use for classic music performing like opera, ballet, concerts, piano concerts and many others; sometimes with international guests. Also, inside the theatre there´s a development of different groups that helps to perform every show like the ballet school of Santiago, the philharmonic orchestra, the Theatre Chorus and Chamber Orchestra.
With more than 150 years of history, it’s claimed to be the first national culture center.
I’ve been heard of this building for many years, but the first time I saw it from inside was a couple of months ago, when I came to see the Mozart’s Requiem.
I think that this building had been seen as a place that is not so accessible for all people, because the kind of the performances and the ticket prices. But above all that, I think that is an icon for the past times in Santiago history and, in an architectonical way, it helps see clearly the different international influences of how build.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

It's Photograph Time

Well, today I’m going to write about photographs. I like to see it and take it so much, because you can capture special moments, people and landscapes. Of course, if you find all of this things beautiful in their own way. The photograph that you can see below was taken by me. I took it one year ago at Til-Til town. It shows four of my friends at the side of a road on countryside. I like this photograph, because it was our first field visit for one of our first task as geography students. I like also because it shows my friends chating and laughing in a very relax way, in that point we started to know each other, better. In a more technical view, I also like this photograph, because the light and the environment were perfect. The night before to the visit, it rains so the photograph shows a splendid autumn day.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

It's Concert Time

Well, today I’m gonna post about something that I love and that is going to concerts. Once, I went to a wonderful one. It was in November of 2012 and it took place at Movistar Arena which it’s inside of O’higgins Park. I went with my sister, it was a last time decision, so she literally tells me “let’s go!” and I said “ok, let’s go!”. In that way, suddenly, we were waiting to the gates open for see Robert Plant, the voice of Led Zeppelin. When we came in, we had to wait like one hour to see the support band, Los Jaivas. They gave us a wonderful performance, especially because they were celebrating 30 years of the release of their album “Alturas de Machu Picchu”. Exactly at nine o’ Clock, Robert Plant started his show with great quality musicians and a performance that confirmed all his years of experience and the fact of himself as a hard rock icon. I enjoyed so much! Because with all that songs from his soloist career, he also included Led Zeppelin’s songs and obviously because it’s wonderful to see, such a legend on stage.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

It's Travel Time

Like Ten years ago, I went to Curacautín which is a nice small town near Victoria at the south of Chile. I went with my parents on summer holidays; we went there, because my mother’s older sister lives there with her husband. As I said before, it was summer holidays, so all their grandsons were there and all of them had the same age that I had in that time. As curious kids that we were, all that we did was play a lot of games and travel though near places with the adults. We visited town’s pool that it was huge and the water, well, we thought it was almost frozen, because it was river’s water. Also, we visited two beautiful waterfalls that are call “Salto de la Princesa” and “Salto del Indio”, this waterfalls are surrounded for forest so we explored all the place. I enjoyed because I had a really good time with my family and knowing beautiful landscapes.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

The technological side

My favourite piece of techonology is my notebook; i got it in December 2011 and it was a present from my dad, a Christmas present. He said that it will help me with university assignments but also with everything that happens on internet in our days. I use it for a lot of things, specially to browse on internet, like social networks (facebook, twitter, etc.), websites where you can see and share images (, music websites that tells everything about new records and musicians, virtual encyclopedias like, where you can learn a lot of things about every theme and the better thing is that you can read it in almost every language!. Also, with my notebook I can record sounds, listen music and play games with a great quality. I like my notebook because it helps me with my daily tasks (of course, there’s things that computers can’t do), not with all but the most of them.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Things I like

Well, I'm Beatriz, I study geography at university of Chile and I'm from Santiago. This is my first english class blog, but i had many blogs before about a lot of themes. I like to read books like "one hundred years of solitude" of Gabriel García Márquez, "The outsider" of Albert Camus, "Dance, Dance, Dance" of Haruki Murakami, etc. Also i like to see movies and listen music, which i think is one of the most important things, because is like you give a soundtrack to everything you do in life. About what kind of music i listen, is something that i will post in a couple of days.